Freddie Forbes
An athlete can be no older than 8 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2016 - Present
9UAn athlete can be no older than 9 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2015 - Present
10UAn athlete can be no older than 10 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2014 - Present
11UAn athlete can be no older than 11 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2013 - Present
12UAn athlete can be no older than 12 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2012 - Present
13UAn athlete can be no older than 13 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2011 - Present
14UAn athlete can be no older than 14 on August 15, 2025
Birthday Range: August 16, 2010 - Present
If a player was born before 8/15/2016 BUT is in the 2nd grade, that player is eligible for 8U as an exception
3rd GradeIf a player was born before 8/15/2015 BUT is in the 3rd grade, that player is eligible for 9U as an exception
4th GradeIf a player was born before 8/15/2014 BUT is in the 4th grade, that player is eligible for 10U as an exception
5th GradeIf a player was born before 8/15/2013 BUT is in the 5th grade, that player is eligible for 11U as an exception
6th GradeIf a player was born before 8/15/2012 BUT is in the 6th grade, that player is eligible for 12U as an exception
7th GradeIf a player was born before 8/15/2011 BUT is in the 7th grade, that player is eligible for 13U as an exception
8th GradeIf a player was born before 8/15/2010 BUT is in the 8th grade, that player is eligible for 14U as an exception
Career Highs
Points | Rebounds | Assists | Blocks | Steals | 3PT |
26 | 13 | 8 | 4 | 7 | 5 |
2024-25 Season Averages
PPG | RPG | APG | BPG | SPG | 3PT |
9.9 | 1.1 | 0.7 | 0.4 | 1 | 2.4 |
Recent In Game Achievements
Event Profiles
- Ballislife All-American Camp - Middle School 2024
- EBC SoCal 2023
- EBC SoCal 2022
- Ballislife EBC Jr. All-American Camp 2022
- EBC SoCal 2021
- Ballislife EBC Jr. All-American Camp 2021
Vertical Jump | Wingspan | 3/4 Court Sprint |
21.4 | 5'9 | 4.08 |
Ballislife All-American Camp - Middle School 2024
- 3pt shooting
- Finishing
- Ball Handling
- Help Defense
EBC SoCal 2023
- 3 Pt Shooting
- Court Vision
- Playmaking
- Handles
- Help Defense
EBC SoCal 2022
- Handles
- Finishing
- Shooting
- Rebounding
Vertical Jump | Wingspan | Lane Agility | 3/4 Court Sprint |
21.3' | 5'6 | 12.50 | 4.1 |
Ballislife EBC Jr. All-American Camp 2022
- Ball Handling
- Rebounding
- Mid-Range
- Hustle
- On-Ball Defense
EBC SoCal 2021
- Court Vision
- Slasher
- Handles
- Rim Protection
Vertical Jump | Wingspan | Lane Agility | Reach | 3/4 Court Sprint |
19 | 4'7 | 13.79 | 6'6 | 4.00 |
Ballislife EBC Jr. All-American Camp 2021
- Mid-Range
- Rebounding
- Hustle
- Ball Handling
- Slashing